Cleanup old unused werf cache and data of all projects on host machine.

The data include:

  • Lost Docker containers and images from interrupted builds.
  • Old service tmp dirs, which werf creates during every build, converge and other commands.
  • Local cache:
    • remote Git clones cache;
    • Git worktree cache.

It is safe to run this command periodically by automated cleanup job in parallel with other werf commands such as build, converge and cleanup.


werf host cleanup [options]


            Set allowed percentage of docker storage volume usage which will cause cleanup of least 
            recently used local docker images (default 70% or                                       
            During cleanup of least recently used local docker images werf would delete images      
            until volume usage becomes below "allowed-docker-storage-volume-usage -                 
            allowed-docker-storage-volume-usage-margin" level (default 5% or                        
            Set allowed percentage of local cache (~/.werf/local_cache by default) volume usage     
            which will cause cleanup of least recently used data from the local cache (default 70%  
            During cleanup of least recently used local docker images werf would delete images      
            until volume usage becomes below "allowed-docker-storage-volume-usage -                 
            allowed-docker-storage-volume-usage-margin" level (default 5% or                        
            (Buildah-only) Use specified mirrors for
            Enable development mode (default $WERF_DEV).
            The mode allows working with project files without doing redundant commits during       
            debugging and development
            Set dev git branch name (default $WERF_DEV_BRANCH or "_werf-dev")
            Add rules to ignore tracked and untracked changes in development mode (can specify      
            Also, can be specified with $WERF_DEV_IGNORE_* (e.g. $WERF_DEV_IGNORE_TESTS=*_test.go,  
            Disable auto host cleanup procedure in main werf commands like werf-build,              
            werf-converge and other (default disabled or WERF_DISABLE_AUTO_HOST_CLEANUP)
            Specify docker config directory path. Default $WERF_DOCKER_CONFIG or $DOCKER_CONFIG or  
            ~/.docker (in the order of priority)
            Use specified path to the local docker server storage to check docker storage volume    
            usage while performing garbage collection of local docker images (detect local docker   
            server storage path by default or use $WERF_DOCKER_SERVER_STORAGE_PATH)
            Indicate what the command would do without actually doing that (default $WERF_DRY_RUN)
            Force deletion of images which are being used by some containers (default $WERF_FORCE)
            Use specified dir to store werf cache files and dirs (default $WERF_HOME or ~/.werf)
            Use plain HTTP requests when accessing a registry (default $WERF_INSECURE_REGISTRY)
            Set log color mode.
            Supported on, off and auto (based on the stdout’s file descriptor referring to a        
            terminal) modes.
            Default $WERF_LOG_COLOR_MODE or auto mode.
            Enable debug (default $WERF_LOG_DEBUG).
            Enable emojis, auto line wrapping and log process border (default $WERF_LOG_PRETTY or   
            Disable explanatory output (default $WERF_LOG_QUIET).
            Set log terminal width.
            Defaults to:
            * interactive terminal width or 140
            Add time to log entries for precise event time tracking (default $WERF_LOG_TIME or      
            Specify custom log time format (default $WERF_LOG_TIME_FORMAT or RFC3339 format).
            Enable verbose output (default $WERF_LOG_VERBOSE).
            Loose werf giterminism mode restrictions
            Enable platform emulation when building images with werf, format: OS/ARCH[/VARIANT]     
            ($WERF_PLATFORM or $DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM by default)
  -N, --project-name=''
            Set a specific project name (default $WERF_PROJECT_NAME)
            Skip TLS certificate validation when accessing a registry (default                      
            Use specified dir to store tmp files and dirs (default $WERF_TMP_DIR or system tmp dir)