Generate werf environment variables for specified CI system.
Currently supported only GitLab (gitlab) and GitHub (github) CI systems
werf ci-env CI_SYSTEM [options]
# Load generated werf environment variables on GitLab job runner
$ . $(werf ci-env gitlab --as-file)
# Load generated werf environment variables on GitLab job runner using powershell
$ Invoke-Expression -Command "werf ci-env gitlab --as-file --shell powershell" | Out-String -OutVariable WERF_CI_ENV_SCRIPT_PATH
# Load generated werf environment variables on GitLab job runner using cmd.exe
$ FOR /F "tokens=*" %g IN ('werf ci-env gitlab --as-file --shell cmdexe') do (SET WERF_CI_ENV_SCRIPT_PATH=%g)
Create the .env file and print the path for sourcing (default $WERF_AS_ENV_FILE).
Create the script and print the path for sourcing (default $WERF_AS_FILE).
Use custom configuration file (default $WERF_CONFIG or werf.yaml in the project
Custom configuration templates directory (default $WERF_CONFIG_TEMPLATES_DIR or .werf
in working directory)
Enable development mode (default $WERF_DEV).
The mode allows working with project files without doing redundant commits during
debugging and development
Set dev git branch name (default $WERF_DEV_BRANCH or "_werf-dev")
Add rules to ignore tracked and untracked changes in development mode (can specify
Also, can be specified with $WERF_DEV_IGNORE_* (e.g. $WERF_DEV_IGNORE_TESTS=*_test.go,
Use specified project directory where project’s werf.yaml and other configuration files
should reside (default $WERF_DIR or current working directory)
Specify docker config directory path. Default $WERF_DOCKER_CONFIG or $DOCKER_CONFIG or
~/.docker (in the order of priority)
Command will copy specified or default (~/.docker) config to the temporary directory
and may perform additional login with new config.
Use specified environment (default $WERF_ENV)
Use specified git work tree dir (default $WERF_WORK_TREE or lookup for directory that
contains .git in the current or parent directories)
Custom path to the giterminism configuration file relative to working directory
(default $WERF_GITERMINISM_CONFIG or werf-giterminism.yaml in working directory)
Use specified dir to store werf cache files and dirs (default $WERF_HOME or ~/.werf)
Set log color mode.
Supported on, off and auto (based on the stdout’s file descriptor referring to a
terminal) modes.
Default $WERF_LOG_COLOR_MODE or auto mode.
Enable debug (default $WERF_LOG_DEBUG).
Enable emojis, auto line wrapping and log process border (default $WERF_LOG_PRETTY or
Disable explanatory output (default $WERF_LOG_QUIET).
Set log terminal width.
Defaults to:
* interactive terminal width or 140
Add time to log entries for precise event time tracking (default $WERF_LOG_TIME or
Specify custom log time format (default $WERF_LOG_TIME_FORMAT or RFC3339 format).
Enable verbose output (default $WERF_LOG_VERBOSE).
Log in to CI-specific registry automatically if possible (default
Loose werf giterminism mode restrictions
-o, --output-file-path=""
Write to custom file (default $WERF_OUTPUT_FILE_PATH).
Enable platform emulation when building images with werf, format: OS/ARCH[/VARIANT]
Set to cmdexe, powershell or use the default behaviour that is compatible with any unix
shell (default $WERF_SHELL).
Use specified dir to store tmp files and dirs (default $WERF_TMP_DIR or system tmp dir)