Render werf chart templates to stdout


werf helm render [options]


  $WERF_SECRET_KEY  Use specified secret key to extract secrets for the deploy. Recommended way to  
                    set secret key in CI-system. 
                    Secret key also can be defined in files:
                    * ~/.werf/global_secret_key (globally),
                    * .werf_secret_key (per project)


            Add annotation to deploying resources (can specify multiple).
            Format: annoName=annoValue.
            Also, can be specified with $WERF_ADD_ANNOTATION_* (e.g.                                
            Add label to deploying resources (can specify multiple).
            Format: labelName=labelValue.
            Also, can be specified with $WERF_ADD_LABEL_* (e.g.                                     
            $WERF_ADD_LABEL_1=labelName1=labelValue1", $WERF_ADD_LABEL_2=labelName2=labelValue2")
            Use custom configuration file (default $WERF_CONFIG or werf.yaml in working directory)
            Change to the custom configuration templates directory (default                         
            $WERF_CONFIG_TEMPLATES_DIR or .werf in working directory)
            Use custom working directory (default $WERF_DIR or current directory)
            Specify docker config directory path. Default $WERF_DOCKER_CONFIG or $DOCKER_CONFIG or  
            ~/.docker (in the order of priority)
            Use specified environment (default $WERF_ENV)
            Use custom helm chart dir (default $WERF_HELM_CHART_DIR or .helm in working directory)
  -h, --help=false
            help for render
            Use specified dir to store werf cache files and dirs (default $WERF_HOME or ~/.werf)
            Disable secrets decryption (default $WERF_IGNORE_SECRET_KEY)
  -i, --images-repo=''
            Docker Repo to store images (default $WERF_IMAGES_REPO)
            Docker Hub password for images repo (default $WERF_IMAGES_REPO_DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD,     
            Docker Hub token for images repo (default $WERF_IMAGES_REPO_DOCKER_HUB_TOKEN,           
            Docker Hub username for images repo (default $WERF_IMAGES_REPO_DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME,     
            GitHub token for images repo (default $WERF_IMAGES_REPO_GITHUB_TOKEN,                   
            Choose repo implementation for images repo.
            The following docker registry implementations are supported: ecr, acr, default,         
            dockerhub, gcr, github, gitlab, harbor, quay.
            (detect implementation by a registry).
            Define how to store in images repo: multirepo or monorepo.
            Default $WERF_IMAGES_REPO_MODE or auto mode
            Use plain HTTP requests when accessing a registry (default $WERF_INSECURE_REGISTRY)
            Set log color mode.
            Supported on, off and auto (based on the stdout’s file descriptor referring to a        
            terminal) modes.
            Default $WERF_LOG_COLOR_MODE or auto mode.
            Enable debug (default $WERF_LOG_DEBUG).
            Enable emojis, auto line wrapping and log process border (default $WERF_LOG_PRETTY or   
            Disable explanatory output (default $WERF_LOG_QUIET).
            Set log terminal width.
            Defaults to:
            * interactive terminal width or 140
            Enable verbose output (default $WERF_LOG_VERBOSE).
            Use specified Kubernetes namespace (default [[ project ]]-[[ env ]] template or         
            deploy.namespace custom template from werf.yaml or $WERF_NAMESPACE)
  -o, --output-file-path=''
            Write to file instead of stdout
            Use specified Helm release name (default [[ project ]]-[[ env ]] template or            
            deploy.helmRelease custom template from werf.yaml or $WERF_RELEASE)
            Common Docker Hub password for any stages storage or images repo specified for the      
            command (default $WERF_REPO_DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD)
            Common Docker Hub token for any stages storage or images repo specified for the command 
            (default $WERF_REPO_DOCKER_HUB_TOKEN)
            Common Docker Hub username for any stages storage or images repo specified for the      
            command (default $WERF_REPO_DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME)
            Common GitHub token for any stages storage or images repo specified for the command     
            (default $WERF_REPO_GITHUB_TOKEN)
            Choose common repo implementation for any stages storage or images repo specified for   
            the command.
            The following docker registry implementations are supported: ecr, acr, default,         
            dockerhub, gcr, github, gitlab, harbor, quay.
            Default $WERF_REPO_IMPLEMENTATION or auto mode (detect implementation by a registry).
            Specify helm secret values in a YAML file (can specify multiple).
            Also, can be defined with $WERF_SECRET_VALUES_* (e.g.                                   
            Set helm values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with       
            commas: key1=val1,key2=val2).
            Also, can be defined with $WERF_SET_* (e.g. $WERF_SET_1=key1=val1,                      
            Set STRING helm values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values     
            with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2).
            Also, can be defined with $WERF_SET_STRING_* (e.g. $WERF_SET_STRING_1=key1=val1,        
            Skip TLS certificate validation when accessing a registry (default                      
            Use stages-signature tagging strategy and tag each image by the corresponding signature 
            of last image stage (option can be enabled by specifying                                
            Use custom tagging strategy and tag by the specified arbitrary tags.
            Option can be used multiple times to produce multiple images with the specified tags.
            Also can be specified in $WERF_TAG_CUSTOM_* (e.g. $WERF_TAG_CUSTOM_TAG1=tag1,           
            Use git-branch tagging strategy and tag by the specified git branch (option can be      
            enabled by specifying git branch in the $WERF_TAG_GIT_BRANCH)
            Use git-commit tagging strategy and tag by the specified git commit hash (option can be 
            enabled by specifying git commit hash in the $WERF_TAG_GIT_COMMIT)
            Use git-tag tagging strategy and tag by the specified git tag (option can be enabled by 
            specifying git tag in the $WERF_TAG_GIT_TAG)
            Use specified dir to store tmp files and dirs (default $WERF_TMP_DIR or system tmp dir)
            Specify helm values in a YAML file or a URL (can specify multiple).
            Also, can be defined with $WERF_VALUES_* (e.g. $WERF_VALUES_ENV=.helm/values_test.yaml, 